Friday 7 February 2014

Unexplained Mysteries

·                      The Loch Ness Monster               -  H. S., T.R-P., S. B. (Power Point)
·                      Crop Circles                                        -  O. M.   (Power Point)
·                      Money Pit of Oak Island                 - R. M. and M. N.   ( Bulletin)
·                      The Mary Celeste                            - M.M. and K. dV. (Power Point)
·                      Kraken                                                     - N.W. and E.P. (Bulletin)
·                      The Bermuda Triangle                    - M. S. and T. G. (Power Point)
·                      U.F.O.s                                                  - L. W. and N. F.  (Power Point)
·                      Dragons                                                   - S. S.  and W. J.  (Poster)
·                      Moai of Eastern Island                     - C. B.  and K. N.  (Power Point)
·                      Big Foot                                                  - L. H.  and T. H.  (Power Point)

You are asked to research, write and present your findings on one unsolved mystery of your choice. Presentations can take the form of but are not limited to:
·         PowerPoint
·         Posters
·         Diorama
·         Video
·         News report
·         Skit
·         Bulletin
      After your presentation, which should last about 5 minutes, there will be 5 minutes allowed for questions and answers.The written report should not only include what you discovered about the unsolved mystery selected, but also your opinion of whether this mystery is real or myth with your justification for that belief.

Success Criteria
·         Research -          
  • How thoroughly did you research the topic?
  • Do the resources fall within the guidelines given?
  • Do the resources relate well to the topic chosen?
  • Was class/library time used wisely?
·         Research Paper -
  • Did you stay on topic?
  • Did you proofread and edit for spelling and grammar errors?
  • Were quotes used appropriately?
  • Did you list your resources properly?
  • Did you justify your opinion of the subject researched?
·         Presentation
  • Was the presentation engaging?
  • Did you show creativity?
  • Were you able to answer questions about your work? 
  • Did you speak clearly and did you have good eye contact with the audience?

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