We've talked about the "big four" cereal companies and here are links to their websites that you can take a look at to help you generate some ideas for your own cereal.
Kellogg's Quaker
Post General Mills
- Women over the age of 40
- Who are concerned about nutrition and want to eat a healthy breakfast that is high in "super foods", fibre and protein but low in sugar and fat
- multi-grain cereal in flakes
- dried blueberries
- coconut flakes
Cereal: Blueberry- Coconut Delight
Company: ALT Better Health
1. quinoa 2. steel cut oats 3. rice 4. dried wild blueberries 5. coconut flakes
90 calories per serving
9 grams of protein
10 grams of fibre
Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin E
- Recipe for Blueberry Coconut Delight Muffins
- Coupon for $1.00 off your next purchase of any
ALT Better Health Cereals
- Contest: win an all expenses paid spa weekend for two