Sunday, 1 September 2013

Welcome to Room 13

Dear Parents & Guardians

I am returning to King George School refreshed after my year off. I very much enjoyed spending time doing the things I like most including travelling, cycling, reading, writing and photography. Learning new things like how to edit films and some new art techniques was most gratifying too.

The rules and routines of TDSB and King George School are in the front of the student agendas and will be reviewed during the first few days of schools.

Here are some routines and expectations specific to our class:
  • Spelling pretests will be dictated on Mondays. Students will make their corrections and complete the weekly activities. Some class time will be given on Mondays and Wednesdays. Completed work will be handed in on Fridays. Final tests will be dictated on Fridays also. 
  • Homework will typically consist of Math, Writing, Reading Science, Health etc not completed in class; studying for tests; projects and larger assignments; music practice (violin or recorder). 
  • Agendas must be at school daily and will be checked by the teacher at lunchtime. I will closely monitor students who require extra support to make sure that the information they need is recorded.
  • Daily Presentations: As part of the Oral Visual Communications component of our language program, students will take turns giving short daily presentations. These will be first modelled by the teacher. Names will be draw and dates assigned well ahead of time so that students will be well prepared . The topics for the Fall are: September – Souvenir, October – Poem, November – True or False, December – Quiz.
  • Pen pals: To enhance our Language and Social Studies programs, I have paired up with two other classes of grade 5/6 students. We will be writing by snail mail to our pen friends in Italy and Albania and learning about their communities and cultures. We will be using the school’s mailing address and students’ first names only.
  • Friday Folders: Each Friday, a durable plastic folder, in the picture above,  will be sent home with completed, marked work and classroom notices enclosed. Please review your child’s work and return the empty envelopes to school each Monday. 
 I am looking forward to working with your child and a productive and fun school year.

 Regards, Mrs. Annette Lloyd Thomas

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